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DHCP option classes (User and Vendor classes) offer an additional method for grouping DHCP-provided configuration details for DHCP clients within a scope.
User classes allow DHCP clients to differentiate themselves by specifying a User Class option. When available for client use, this option includes a user-determined class ID that can help to group clients of similar configuration needs within a scope. For example, you might support users and computers with mobile computing needs by configuring a user class at the DHCP server and setting the related class ID at the client computers.
A user class is useful when you need to keep separate options that cover the special needs of identifying client computers, such as providing a shorter lease time for portable computers that move frequently or use remote access often. In this example, you could configure the DHCP server to distribute different options that are specific to the needs of clients. For instance, shorter leases could be assigned to mobile clients.
The user class feature gives you greater flexibility in configuring DHCP clients on your network.
The software feature 'DHCP User Class Identifier' is used in assigning DHCP options to clients identified as sharing a common need for similar DHCP options configuration.
The 'Network Connection Filters' string allow you to define the scopes of Network Connections that will have their DHCP User Class Identifier set. For instance, if you wish to assign the DHCP User Class Identifier only to Wireless Connections, you can specify the string 'Wireless Connection' or *Wireless Connection* (use * for wildcard prefix or suffix). The software will enumerate all Network Connections and set the DHCP User Class Identifier only on Network Connections that match the specified filter string(s).
This article provides instructions on testing the SYNERGIX AD Client Extensions software. The DHCP USER CLASS IDENTIFIER feature is configured using the Administrative Template. After installing the Administrative Template file, the policy setting can be found under COMPUTER CONFIGURATION \ Administrative Templates \ SYNERGIX AD Client Extensions \ Network \DHCP client\DHCP user class identifier. The Explain tab of the Group Policy setting provides online instructions on configuring the feature
- Supported Microsoft Windows Operating System
- Microsoft Windows XP SP3
- Microsoft Windows 7.0 SP1
- Microsoft Windows 8.0 or 8.1
- .NET Framework 4.0
- Active Domain Membership in Microsoft Active Directory domain
- (Optional) Microsoft Outlook or other EMail client
- EMail client is required to submit log files to support@synergix.com or x@mail.asana.com
- SYNERGIX AD Client Extensions 2014
Active Directory Domain Environment
- Single Active Directory Domain environment i.e. Single Forest with Forest Root Domain only example. F10.LOCAL
- You can setup a more complex Active Directory Domain environment, if needed. For example, one forest F10.LOCAL with child domains D10.F10.LOCAL, D11.F10.LOCAL and D12.F10.LOCAL and a trusted forest F20.LOCAL with child domains D20.F20.LOCAL, D21.F20.LOCAL and D22.F20.LOCAL
- Security Group(s)
- Create a security group called "SYNERGIX ADCE Managed Computers". The group type may be Domain Global Group or Domain Local Group.
- Add the test domain computer(s) into the security group "SYNERGIX ADCE Managed Computers"
- Delegate Control
Not required for this feature
- Configure domain Group Policy Object
- Copy SYNERGIX AD Client Extensions Administrative Template file SYNERGIX-ADCE.ADMX to %SystemRoot%\PolicyDefinitions on admin workstation ( must be Windows 7.0 )
- Copy SYNERGIX AD Client Extensions Administrative Template Language file SYNERGIX-ADCE.ADML to %SystemRoot%\PolicyDefinitions\en-US on same admin workstation ( must be Windows 7.0 )
Configure User Class Identifier
- Launch DHCP Management Console
- In the DHCP Management Console, right mouse click on the DHCP\<serverName>\IPv4 node and select 'Define DHCP User Classes ...'
- Click on 'Add' button
- In display name, type "SYNERGIX-ADCE-Assigned-Wireless" (without quotes) or any other display name that is appropriate for your environment.
- In description, type "SYNERGIX ADCE Assigned Wireless Network Connection User Class" (without quotes) or a description string that is more appropriate for your environment.
- Under ASCII string, type "ADCE-Assigned-Wireless" (without quotes) or any other DHCP User Class Identifier string you have entered in the GPO. This string MUST match the entry set in the Group Policy setting.
- Click on OK to commit the changes and to close the dialog box.
- Repeat steps for all other Network Connections you wish to configure for your environment.
- Next, configure Server or Scope Options
- In the DHCP Management Console, select DHCP\serverName\IPv4\Server Options
- Right mouse click on 'Server Options' and select 'Configure Options'
- Select Advanced tab
- From dropdown list, select the newly created DHCP User Class Identifier ex. 'SYNERGIX-ADCE-Assigned-Wireless'
- Set desired options, for example, set DHCP Option 051 for shorter lease duration of 3,600 seconds or equivalent long hexadecimal value of 0xe10)
Managing Group Policy Object
- Launch Group Policy Management Console ( GPMC.MSC )
- Edit existing or new Group Policy Object.
- In Group Policy Editor, expand COMPUTER CONFIGURATION
- Expand Administrative Templates
- Expand SYNERGIX AD Client Extensions
- Expand Network
- Expand DHCP Client
- Expand DHCP user class identifier
- Click on the Enable radio button to enable the policy setting
- Give the Run Interval and give the Network Connection Filter
- Click OK to save the Group Policy settings
More Information
- Visit Synergix website or contact vendor support
Configure DHCP Server / Scope Options
- Launch DHCP Management Console
- Configure DHCP Server / Scope Options using the DHCP User Class Identifier that was configured as part of the prerequisites.
Test Software Functionality
- Log into a domain computer with local administrative privileges
- Install SYNERGIX AD Client Extensions software
- Run IPCONFIG /release
- Run IPCONFIG /renew
- Verify DHCP User Class Identifier. The value is displayed in the line "DHCPv4 Class ID"
- Verify DHCP Server / Scope options that are assigned to the specified DHCP User Class Identifier
Test Results
- Pass or
- Fail
Test Result Submission
- Complete the Test Environment worksheet
- Upload test results document file to software test repository
- Upload log files
- ServiceLogfile.txt
- ClientLogfile.txt
- Output of GPRESULTS.EXE /V command
Note: You must use ADCE \ Help \ Submit Log Files button to zip up above 3 files and submit